Transforming our cities improving lives

SymbioCity in Colombia

The city projects in Colombia is a capacity development project in the cities of Apartadó in Antioquia and Pitalito in Huila and is part of the larger Global SymbioCity Approach Programme funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The project was implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Planning in Colombia, Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP).

Early in the process the cities decided to focus on different areas: Apartadó wanted to focus on the upgrading of their city centre while Pitalito decided to focus on mobility. 

Time period: 2017-2019


Apartadó and Pitalito are better equipped to address pro-poor sustainable urban development from a social, economic and environmental perspective. 

  • Both cities have sustainable and inclusive urban plans and/or urban improvements projects, prepared through as SymbioCity process
  • Targeted cities have improved processes and increased institutional, organizational and individual capacity to address urban sustainability.
  • Urban stakeholders in targeted cities have applied and incorporated inclusive and participatory approaches to urban development including gender perspectives and the needs of the urban poor.
  • National institutions in Colombia have been influenced and inspired by  SymbioCityprinciples and disseminated learnings to other cities in the country

The city of Apartadó carried out an Urban Sustainability Review and decided to focus on the upgrading of the city centre which has been degraded for the past decade and partly turned into an unsafe place. The work resulted in an upgrading strategy for the city centre; EstrategiaIntegral para el Centro with a number of integrated solutions.  The solutions in the strategy has been included in the new Comprehensive Plan.

The city also implemented a tactical urbanism intervention consisting of a temporary pedestrian street closed from motorised traffic. The aim was to test the idea and to show shop owners of the street as well as citizens of the potential positive effect such an initiative could have to the city if permanently changed

All work was carried out in an interdisciplinary working group with representatives from planning department, infrastructure, communications department, environment, mobility, risk management and public space.

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The city of Pitalito carried out an Urban Sustainability Review and decided to focus on mobility. They developed a strategy for sustainable mobility Estrategia de MovilidadSostenible para el Municipio de Pitalito covering different solutions among other a proposed bicycle network for the city, pedestrian streets, public transport but also how to integrate more greenery into the city. The proposed bicycle network has been included in the city’s new Comprehensive Plan and part of the network has been constructed with funds from the National Agency of Road Security (ANSV).

All work was carried out in an interdisciplinary working group with representatives from planning department, health, environment, economic development, social inclusion, legal department.

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