Indonesian cities are growing rapidly. In an effort to promote sustainable urban development, the cities of Palu and Probolinggo have been selected as pilots for the SymbioCity Approach. SKL International is supporting the cities in preparing an Urban Sustainability Review and developing new solutions to environmental, social and economic challenges.
In Indonesia, the projects are carried out as partnerships with the Swedish municipalities Helsingborg and Borås, and with active participation from the Ministry of Public Works and the Indonesian municipal association APEKSI. The teams are working jointly to identify key development challenges as well as resources in the city. Based on these, innovative solutions drawing on synergies between sectors are being developed.
The final proposals for change will be presented during a national seminar in December 2013. The process is being documented by the Indonesian government to give input to the national Green Cities Programme.
The SymbioCity approach builds upon a holistic approach to urban development, finding synergies between urban systems and integrating environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects. The overall goal is to improve the living conditions for people living in urban settlements.
The concept can be applied within a range of development processes, such as when conducting multi-disciplinary or sector reviews of the urban environment, or as support when formulating strategies for short, medium and long term development on different urban scales – region, city, city-district. Furthermore, the SymbioCity approach explores opportunities to strengthen local governments and local institutions and their capacity to sustain local development.